A correct, healthy bite or beautiful and regular teeth are a dream of many people. You can achieve this result with the possibilities offered by orthodontics. Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that deals with straightening teeth using fixed or mobile braces. For children, the first visit to the orthodontist is recommended around 7 years of age. There are no age restrictions for adults.


What are your expectations of the visit?

Before each treatment, the orthodontist at the MLB Medical Centre “Medical & Dental Care” draws up an individual, precisely tailored treatment plan for the patient, together with the estimated approximate time of treatment and calculation of total cost.

In addition to the information collected during the interview and study in the office, to implement the treatment plan, you need:

  • impressions taken by a doctor at the office, which will be used to make the diagnostic model
  • panoramic X-ray image, which provides information on the position of the roots of the teeth, the presence and arrangement of permanent tooth buds, the presence of possible irregularities in the bone, the condition of the temporomandibular joints and the state of the maxillary sinuses
  • cephalometric X-ray: helps in the assessment of the relationship between the maxilla and the mandible, proportions of the face and skull, positioning the incisal edges, allows to assess the airway patency and the degree of bone maturity of the patient – especially needed for children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years of age
  • images of dental arches and patient’s face taken at the office, in order to conduct aesthetic analysis and to track changes during treatment


We always plan the orthodontic treatment process individually for each patient. All teeth must first be cured to start treatment. Caries, inflammation of bones, and tartar must be removed if present.

The indications for orthodontic treatment are:

  • malocclusion,
  • preparing teeth for implant and prosthetic procedures,
  • improvement of dental appearance.


Orthodontic treatment can be divided into several stages:

  • detailed patient diagnostics,
  • making impressions for casts,
  • X-rays,
  • establishing a treatment plan,
  • fixing an orthodontic brace,
  • follow-up visits,
  • removing the braces after treatment,
  • retention – consolidation of the results obtained during treatment with fixed braces.


Orthodontic treatment

Depending on the problem, we use mobile or permanent braces in orthodontic treatment.

The former are various types of vestibular plates that are removed by the patient. They are most often used in children and adolescents (aged 7-12) with mixed dentition (primary and permanent teeth). They are worn several hours a day. Mobile retainers can also be used after treatment with fixed braces to consolidate the effects of treatment.


# 1 fixed metal braces (with colourised rubber bands)

#2 fixed crystal braces


The second option in orthodontic treatment are fixed braces, i.e. metal or crystal braces, consisting of brackets that are stuck to the front surface of the teeth. On the other hand, bands, i.e. metal rings, are attached to molars and metal arches – the latter are placed in special spaces located in the brackets. In the case of young patients, we most often put colourised bands on the brackets. In people who have a known allergy to nickel we use nickel-free brackets.

Patients are also fitted with permanent. tooth-coloured or transparent cosmetic braces. They are usually chosen by people who are afraid of treatment with fixed braces for aesthetic reasons.

In turn, self-ligating braces are a solution that does not require additional arch fastening elements. This allow to reduce the treatment time of some defects. We also use lingual braces, and the treatment consists in sticking the brackets to the internal surfaces of the tooth from the side of the tongue.


# 3 Invisalign aligner


As a result, orthodontic treatment brings an aesthetic smile. The correct positioning of the teeth in the arch makes it easier for patients to carry out daily hygiene, reduces the risk of caries, increases self-esteem and self-confidence.